Devlog - Sumbmission Day

Today is the day of sumbmitting my game to the

GoedWare Game Jam #13

is my second game since I started game development in December '24.

At first I was kinda clueless on what I could come up with. "Breaking the loop" sounds complicated in the first place. I thought about manipulating the time, repeating sequences etc.

However, I decided to LITERALLY break the loop in my game. For me I always want to learn and create something new during a game jam. As I am still very new to game development I was interested in using a different gravity system to allow walking in a circle.

I started implementing different movement states like walking, jumping, falling, and smashing. One of the biggest challenges was handling the movement of the player on a certain tangent, while still being able to jump or get on objects. After some trial and error, I found a solid solution - well it works, right?

I new I wanted to make another puzzle game so I thought about suitable mechanics. I included a mechanic where changing colors affects game play. I generally love creating assets, while I reconsidered all design I had in the first place and created something new. You will get the idea of my progress within the next days, as I will provide further insight into my progress, game design and ideas.

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